Backwards compass on map [Solved]

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Backwards compass on map [Solved]

Post by Tempo »

I'm currently making some mission files to make some maps compatible with some side mods I downloaded, but one of them has a backwards compass on the map. The minimap is fine, but when I look at the full thing the pointer is turned 180 degrees. Normally, I wouldn't care that much but the map is kind of confusing. I know the conversion pack kotor era has the naboo map entirely flipped, so I assume there's a similar command I can do with the compass. Any help would be appreciated.
(p.s. I feel like someone must have already asked this so sorry if this is a repeat, but I couldn't find anything in the FAQ or key word search)
Last edited by Tempo on Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Backwards compass on map

Post by AQT »

It's possible the person who made the map set up their mapbounds region incorrectly. If not, try using this:

Code: Select all

SetMapNorthAngle(180, 1)
Somewhere before:

Code: Select all

function ScriptInit()
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