Rends adding Sound Tutorial

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Rends adding Sound Tutorial

Post by Rends »

This tutorial is just a streamlined version of THIS one which explains the process of adding missing shipped sounds in a way that is easy to understand.

This is an easy doing walkthrough about adding missing sounds to your map.
I recommend to follow every step in this tutorial and create this test map before you go on adding sounds to your own map!
So what will we do here?
We create a basic map and add an ATST to the Clone Wars era. Then we will add the missing walker stomp and gun sounds.
IMPORTANT: Don´t add the ("") quotation marks except in the sound Req and lua files!

1. Create a new map and name it "TES" and "testmap" for the full map name. Give the map a short description and select Conquest only under Game Modes. Press Create World.

2. Go into data_TES/Common/scripts/TES and open the "TESc_con.lua" file.
Now add:

Code: Select all


below the default sound entry. This will call your custom sounds we need for for the ATST

Next add:

Code: Select all

so we can load the ATST in a REP vs CIS Clone War map.
So now your LUA should look like this:
You'll also need to change the AddWalkerType entry to:

Code: Select all

AddWalkerType(1, 1) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
Save and close the lua.

3. Go into data_TES run ZeroEditor and load "TES.wld"
Change the layer to "conquest"
zoom in to your "cp1" Controlzone and place a com_item_vehicle_spawn next to it.
Select the Vehicle spawn. On the right side of the screen you'll find Object Instance.
under Controlzone type "cp1" and under ClassRepATK type "imp_walk_atst".
This will load the ATST right at the beginning of the game because the REPS are set as Attacker
by default in the "TESc_con.lua" and owns the CP right at gamestart.
Save the map changes and close ZeroEditor.

4. Go into data_TES\_BUILD and munge the map with "Modtools VisualMunge".
Once done run SWBF2 and play your new map at Conquest era.
At this point you should have the ATST on your map, but you will notice that it won't have any sounds.
Ok, after you enjoyed the map, exit the game.

5. Now we will create the missing sound files.
Go into data_TES\Sound\worlds directory and select the "test" folder
copy and paste it in the same location
select the "copy of test" folder and rename it to "tes"
Go into this folder and rename "test.req" to "tes.req"
rename "testcw.req" to "tescw.req"
and lastly rename "testcw.sfx" to "tescw.sfx"
Your files should look like this:
*the file extensions are hidden in this image*

6. Now open "tes.req" and add "tescw" under "lvl" like this:
Save and close it.

7. Open "tescw.req" and add "tescw" under "align=2048", then add "imp_walk_atst" under "config" like this:
Save and close it.

8. Open "tescw.sfx" and we will add the walker stomps and the gun sounds:
[code]// AT Walker Common -ATAT ATST ATTE -------------------------

..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker01.wav atst_leg_up01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker02.wav atst_leg_up02 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker03.wav atst_leg_up03 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker04.wav atst_leg_up04 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker05.wav atst_leg_up05 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker06.wav atst_leg_up06 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050


// AT Walker Footsteps XBOX and PC ATTE ATAT ATST----------------------------------

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// ----- ATST Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_atat_chinBlaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_atst_headBlaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100[/code]
It should look like this:
Save and close it.

9. *You can skip this step if you have the Fixed and improved munge files installed*
Go into data_TES\_BUILD\Sound directory.
In this folder you'll find a munge.bat file
Replace it with the munge.bat you can download HERE
or just copy this code and overwrite the contents of the original munge.bat and save it
[code]@REM WARNING: enabledelayedexpansion means ! is a special character,
@REM which means it isn't available for use as the mungeapp recursive
@REM wildcard character. Use the alternate $ instead.
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

@set MUNGE_ROOT_DIR=..\..
@if not "%1"=="" set MUNGE_PLATFORM=%1
@if "%MUNGE_BIN_DIR%"=="" (
@set PATH=%CD%\..\..\..\ToolsFL\Bin;%PATH%

@rem convert to lower case

@if /i %MUNGE_PLATFORM%==pc @set BANKOPT=-template -stub c:\windows\media\chord.wav

@if "%MUNGE_LOG%"=="" (
@if exist %LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG% ( del %LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG% )
@rem echo ********************************************************************* >> %MUNGE_LOG%
@rem echo Sound\munge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM% >> %MUNGE_LOG%
@rem echo ********************************************************************* >> %MUNGE_LOG%

@cd ..\..

@if not exist _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound mkdir _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound

@call soundmunge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM%
@if %SOUNDCLEANLVL%x==1x @del /S /Q _BUILD\sound\*.lvl & @call soundmunge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM%

@if /i not "%SOUNDLVL%"=="" (
@for %%A in (%SOUNDLVL%) do @if /i "%%A"=="global" @goto buildglobalbank
@goto skipglobalbank
@rem Build a global sound bank...
@for /R %%A in (*.sfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A
@for /R %%A in (*.asfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A
@if %SOUNDLOG%x==1x ( @set SOUNDOPT=-verbose & @set SOUNDLOGOUT=%LOGDIR%\SoundBankLog.txt ) else ( @set SOUNDOPT= & @set SOUNDLOGOUT=NUL )

@if not %MUNGE_PLATFORM%==pc goto skipglobalbank
@echo Munging common.bnk, this could take a while...
@soundflmunge -platform %MUNGE_PLATFORM% -banklistinput %BANKLIST% -bankoutput _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound\common.bnk -checkdate -resample -compact nowarning -checkid noabort -relativepath %SOUNDOPT% 2>>%MUNGE_LOG% 1>>%SOUNDLOGOUT%


@cd _BUILD\Sound

@REM If the munge log was created locally and has anything in it, view it
@if not %MUNGE_LOG%x==%LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG%x goto skip_mungelog
@if exist %MUNGE_LOG% for /f %%i in (%MUNGE_LOG:"=%) do @set FILE_CONTENTS_TEST=%%i
@if not "%FILE_CONTENTS_TEST%"=="" ( Notepad.exe %MUNGE_LOG% ) else ( if exist %MUNGE_LOG% (del %MUNGE_LOG%) )


@rem convert to upper case

(You can use this new munge.bat file for every map you need sounds for)

10. *You can skip this step if you have the Fixed and improved munge files installed*
In your data_TES folder edit the soundmunge.bat in a code editor like Notepad++ and overwrite the contents with this:
[code]@if %1x==x goto noplatform
@set BF2_SOUNDPATH="c:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\"

@rem Munge global, shell and side specific sound data
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\cw\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\cw sound\cw\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound cw
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\gcw\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\gcw sound\gcw\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound gcw
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\global\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\global sound\global\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound global nolevelfile
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\shell\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\shell sound\shell\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound shell
@rem Munge world specific sound data
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\cor\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\cor sound\worlds\cor\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound cor
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\dag\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\dag sound\worlds\dag\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound dag
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\dea\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\dea sound\worlds\dea\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound dea
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\end\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\end sound\worlds\end\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound end
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\fel\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\fel sound\worlds\fel\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound fel
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\gal\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\gal sound\worlds\gal\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound gal
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\geo\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\geo sound\worlds\geo\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound geo
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\hot\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\hot sound\worlds\hot\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound hot
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\kam\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\kam sound\worlds\kam\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound kam
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\kas\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\kas sound\worlds\kas\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound kas
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\mus\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\mus sound\worlds\mus\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound mus
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\myg\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\myg sound\worlds\myg\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound myg
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\nab\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\nab sound\worlds\nab\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound nab
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\pol\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\pol sound\worlds\pol\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound pol
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\spa\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\spa sound\worlds\spa\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound spa
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\tan\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\tan sound\worlds\tan\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound tan
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\tat\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\tat sound\worlds\tat\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound tat
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\uta\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\uta sound\worlds\uta\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound uta
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\yav\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\yav sound\worlds\yav\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound yav
@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\hero\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\hero sound\worlds\hero\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound hero

@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\snd\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\snd sound\worlds\snd\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound snd
xcopy _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound\* %BF2_SOUNDPATH%GameData\addon\SND\data\_LVL_PC\Sound\ /Y

@goto exit
@echo Platform must be specified as the first argument
Read the comments on lines 4 and 34 for further instruction.
Save and close the soundmunge.bat

  • Go into data_TES\_BUILD
  • Launch "Modtools VisualMunge.exe"
  • Press "Unselect All"
  • Tick "Sound Only"
  • Click "Munge"
When the munging has completed, you should have a 9.37kb tes.lvl file in:
Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\Addon\TES\data\_LVL_PC\SOUND

12. Go and play your map. Your ATST will now have all the sounds we added in this Tutorial.


Original tutorial
This new tutorial is just a streamlined version of THIS one which explains the process of adding missing shipped sounds in a way that is easy to understand.

This is an easy doing walkthrough about adding missing sounds to your map.
I recommend to follow every step in this tutorial and create this testmap before you go on adding sounds to your own map!
So what will we do here?
We create a basic map and add a ATST to the Clonewars era. Then we will add the missing walkerstomp and gunsounds.
IMPORTANT: Don´t add the ("") quotation marks except in the sound Req and lua files!

1. Create a new map and name it "TES" and "testmap" for the full map name. Give the map a short description and Select conquest only under Game Modes. Press Create World.

2. Go into data_TES/Common/scripts/Tes and open the "TESc_con" lua file.
Now add:
below the default sound entry. This will call your custom sounds we need for for the ATST

Next add:
[code] ReadDataFile("SIDE\\imp.lvl",
so we can load the ATST in a REP vs CIS Clonewar map.
So now your LUA should look like this:

You'll also need to change the AddWalkerType entry to:
[code]AddWalkerType(1, 1) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)[/code]Save the lua and quit Visualmunge.

3. Go into data_TES run Zeroeditor and load "TES.wld"
Change the layer to "conquest"
zoom in to your "cp1" Controlzone and place a com_item_vehicle_spawn next to it.
Select the Vehicle spawn. On the right side of the screen you find Object Instance.
under Controlzone type "cp1" and under ClassRepATK type "imp_walk_atst".
This will load the ATST right at the beginning of the game because the REPS are set as Attacker
by default in the "TESc_con" LUA and owns the CP right at gamestart.
Save the map changes and quit ZeroEditor.

4. Go into data_TES\_BUILD and run "Modtools VisualMunge" and Munge the map.
Once done run SWBF2 and play your new map at Conquest era.
At this point you should have the added ATST on your map but you will notice that it won´t have any sounds.
Ok, after you enjoyed the map quit the game.

5. Now we will create the missing sound files.
Go into data_TES\Sound\worlds directory and select the "test" folder
copy and paste it in the same location
select the "copy of test" folder and rename it to "tes"
Go into this folder and rename the "test" req to "tes"
rename the "testcw" req to "tescw"
and last rename the "test" sfx to "tes"
Your files should look like this:
Image*the file extensions are hidden in this image*

6. Now open the "tes" req and add "tescw" under "lvl" like this:
ImageSave and quit.

7. Open the "tescw" req file and add "tescw" under "align=2048" and "imp_walk_atst" under "config" like this:
ImageSave and quit.

8. Open the "tescw" sfx file and we will add the walkerstomps and the gunsounds:
// AT Walker Common -ATAT ATST ATTE -------------------------

..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker01.wav atst_leg_up01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker02.wav atst_leg_up02 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker03.wav atst_leg_up03 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker04.wav atst_leg_up04 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker05.wav atst_leg_up05 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker06.wav atst_leg_up06 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050


// AT Walker Footsteps XBOX and PC ATTE ATAT ATST----------------------------------

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// ----- ATST Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_atat_chinBlaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_atst_headBlaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
It should look like this
ImageSave and quit

9. Go into data_TES\_BUILD\Sound directory.
In this folder you find a munge.bat file
Replace the file with the munge.bat you can download HERE
or just copy this code into a text file and rename it munge.bat
[code]@REM WARNING: enabledelayedexpansion means ! is a special character,
@REM which means it isn't available for use as the mungeapp recursive
@REM wildcard character. Use the alternate $ instead.
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

@set MUNGE_ROOT_DIR=..\..
@if not "%1"=="" set MUNGE_PLATFORM=%1
@if "%MUNGE_BIN_DIR%"=="" (
@set PATH=%CD%\..\..\..\ToolsFL\Bin;%PATH%

@rem convert to lower case

@if /i %MUNGE_PLATFORM%==pc @set BANKOPT=-template -stub c:\windows\media\chord.wav

@if "%MUNGE_LOG%"=="" (
@if exist %LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG% ( del %LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG% )
@rem echo ********************************************************************* >> %MUNGE_LOG%
@rem echo Sound\munge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM% >> %MUNGE_LOG%
@rem echo ********************************************************************* >> %MUNGE_LOG%

@cd ..\..

@if not exist _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound mkdir _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound

@call soundmunge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM%
@if %SOUNDCLEANLVL%x==1x @del /S /Q _BUILD\sound\*.lvl & @call soundmunge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM%

@if /i not "%SOUNDLVL%"=="" (
@for %%A in (%SOUNDLVL%) do @if /i "%%A"=="global" @goto buildglobalbank
@goto skipglobalbank
@rem Build a global sound bank...
@for /R %%A in (*.sfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A
@for /R %%A in (*.asfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A
@if %SOUNDLOG%x==1x ( @set SOUNDOPT=-verbose & @set SOUNDLOGOUT=%LOGDIR%\SoundBankLog.txt ) else ( @set SOUNDOPT= & @set SOUNDLOGOUT=NUL )

@if not %MUNGE_PLATFORM%==pc goto skipglobalbank
@echo Munging common.bnk, this could take a while...
@soundflmunge -platform %MUNGE_PLATFORM% -banklistinput %BANKLIST% -bankoutput _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound\common.bnk -checkdate -resample -compact nowarning -checkid noabort -relativepath %SOUNDOPT% 2>>%MUNGE_LOG% 1>>%SOUNDLOGOUT%


@cd _BUILD\Sound

@REM If the munge log was created locally and has anything in it, view it
@if not %MUNGE_LOG%x==%LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG%x goto skip_mungelog
@if exist %MUNGE_LOG% for /f %%i in (%MUNGE_LOG:"=%) do @set FILE_CONTENTS_TEST=%%i
@if not "%FILE_CONTENTS_TEST%"=="" ( Notepad.exe %MUNGE_LOG% ) else ( if exist %MUNGE_LOG% (del %MUNGE_LOG%) )


@rem convert to upper case

(You can use this new munge.bat file for every map you need sounds for)

10. In your data_TES folder edit the soundmunge.bat and add this:
[code]@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\tes\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\tes sound\worlds\tes\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound tes[/code]it should look like this:
ImageSave and close the soundmunge.bat

11. Go into data_TES\_BUILD and run "Modtools VisualMunge".
Select "Select ALL" and Munge. (You may also run "Clean" first)

12. Open the Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon\TES\data\_LVL_PC directory and create a "Sound" folder.

Go into data_TES\_LVL_PC\Sound directory and copy the tes.LVL file into the Sound folder we just created!
(The tes.LVL should be about 10 KB in size)

13. Go and play your map. Your ATST will now have all the sounds we added in this Tutorial.


Post by CCC-Ranger »

Hi Rends :) great tutorial :) ..

i`m must move the tes.lvl from the soundfolder(data_tes/LVL_PC/sound) into the Folder from BF2 lvl/sound Folder ?! i`ts this correct? ...what is with the tes.lvl file from the tes Folder in the LVL_PC Folder ?

Post by Murdocr »

Great tut Rends, that was understandable. i'm gonna try it now. with a tut like that nobody can fail. nice job :D

rends you are my hero. :D i tried it and it works like a charm, no hassle. thank-you very much.

Post by Emraz »

Thank you very very much rends I will try this asap. I know you have already explained sounds but us guys not blessed with many brain cells didnt get it. Thank you for this smple, simple version for us dum asses ;-)

Post by Stager00 »


Suppose I wanted to put sounds for the ARC170, where would I find the resources to put into the sfx file?

Post by Murdocr »


Post by Stager00 »

I mean the data strings inthe SFX file


..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker01.wav atst_leg_up01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker02.wav atst_leg_up02 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker03.wav atst_leg_up03 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker04.wav atst_leg_up04 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker05.wav atst_leg_up05 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker06.wav atst_leg_up06 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

I asume I copy these strings from the SFX file in the SPA folder...correct(for the arc170 and such)?
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Post by Rends »

Stager00 wrote:I mean the data strings inthe SFX file


..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker01.wav atst_leg_up01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker02.wav atst_leg_up02 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker03.wav atst_leg_up03 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker04.wav atst_leg_up04 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker05.wav atst_leg_up05 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker06.wav atst_leg_up06 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
If you search for different sfx entry go to:


There you find all map folders used in the Game. so while you are searching for a ARC170 go into the spa folder and and open the cw era sfx file. then you only need to search for the ARC 170 entries.

Post by Stager00 »

Thank you!

Post by mnl1121 »

THANK you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
(really sorry if i just broke some rules there)

Rends remember when we were trying to get the sounds working for my map. well occording to ur WONDERFUL tut i was actually doing something wrong and wasn't hearing any new sounds like i thought i was. Thank you Rends for finally doing this. I just can't beleive this. Its so simple and easy. Thanks A LOT!!!!!!

Post by mnl1121 »

Yipppiiiieee i just used the tut on my map Hoth: Valley and just about all sounds work. I got the ATST (pretty easy since u did it right here) AND i also got the combat speeder sounds to work. I got the ALL to work.

Uno problemo though. I can't get the dish turret and the laser mortar turret. Anyone know the exact strings?

Post by mnl1121 »

can anyone help me with the turrets? please i really need to get the sounds working so i can really finalize my map (and others to come).
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Post by Teancum »


Added to FAQ under 'misc' post

Post by CCC-Ranger »

Hi Rends

im have a problem ..the sounds not work! I´m working months of this problem :(

what`s wrong?

Data_STP/sound/stp/stpcw-stpgcw.sfx dateien

// Jango Dooku Mace
// Unit Weapons
// All Jedi Start
// Lightsaber
..\..\global\effects\saberon.wav saberon -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\saberoff1.wav saberoff -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\sthtwrl1.wav saber_triple -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\sthswng2.wav saber_double -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_weap_lightsabre_deflect.wav saber_deflect01 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_stone_04.wav saber_deflect02 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\LSwall03.WAV saber_deflect03 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\saberamb.wav saber_idle01 -resample ps2 12000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberlp01.wav saber_idle02
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswing01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswing02.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswing03.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswing04.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswing05.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswing06.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ltsaberswingdbl01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
////..\..\global\effects\wpn_saberCatch.wav saber_catch -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_saberThrow.wav saber_throw -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\JediGen_ltsabr_throw_lp02.wav saber_twirl -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Force Push -- Luke Yoda Maul Obiwan Mace Team Jedi
..\..\global\effects\JedGen_FrcPush01.wav force_push_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\JedGen_FrcPush02.wav force_push_impact -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Force Choke -- Vader Dooku Emperor Anakin
..\..\global\effects\wpn_forceChoke_lp.wav force_choke_ordnance -resample ps2 16000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_forceChoke_crunch_01.wav force_choke_impact01 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_forceChoke_crunch_02.wav force_choke_impact02 -alias ps2 force_choke_impact01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_forceChoke_crunch_03.wav force_choke_impact03 -alias ps2 force_choke_impact01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Force Lightning
..\..\global\effects\explo_electric_sparks.wav force_lightning_fire01 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\explo_sparks_machine_02.wav force_lightning_fire02 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\lightninghit1.wav force_lightning_ordnance1 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\lightninghit2.wav force_lightning_ordnance2 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\lightninghit3.wav force_lightning_ordnance3 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Unit Weapons

// Common All Weapons
////..\..\global\effects\ui_buildComplete.wav flag_captured -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Weapons No Ammo
..\..\global\effects\ifc_NoAmmo.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Autoturrets - Dispense, fire
// * Dispense uses Remote Droid Throw
// Mini Turret Fire
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_gunship_blaster_fire.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
// All Detpacks - * Uses All Sticky
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_grenade02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_grenade03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_grenade01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_small01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_small02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_small03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
// All Commando Pistols
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_all_spyRifle_fire.wav com_cpistol_fire -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_all_spyRifle_fire.wav com_cpistol_fire -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

// All Jetpacks * Also used by Flamethrowers
..\..\global\effects\rep_inf_jetpack.wav -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\sfx_pod_flamethrower_on.wav rep_weap_jetpack_turnon -resample ps2 10000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\rep_weap_jetpack_turnoff.wav -resample ps2 10000
// All Fusionscutters
..\..\global\effects\fusioncutter.wav wpn_fusionCutter_lp -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Incinerator Disintegrate
..\..\global\effects\crackle02.wav disintegrate -resample ps2 11025 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Mine Dispensers
// * Uses All Throw for Dispense
..\..\global\effects\wpn_energyRecharge.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// ..\..\global\effects\mousebot_explo.wav -resample ps2 11025 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Mortar Launchers - Imp Officer
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_imp_mortar_fire.wav com_mortar_launcher_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Pistols - Energy depleted and recharge also used by vehicles and timebomb
..\..\global\effects\wpn_energyDepleted.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All PowerUp Dispensers
..\..\global\effects\wpn_powerDispense_pickUp.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
#ifplatform xbox pc
//..\..\global\effects\wpn_powerDispenser.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
//..\..\global\effects\wp2_powerDispenser.wav wpn_powerDispenser -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2
// All Remote Droids
..\..\global\effects\wpn_reconDroid_Launch.wav -resample ps2 20000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\droid_probe_beeps_01.wav -resample xbox 10000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_probe_beeps_02.wav -resample xbox 10000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_probe_beeps_03.wav -resample xbox 10000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_probe_beeps_04.wav -resample xbox 10000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_probe_beeps_05.wav -resample xbox 10000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_probe_eng_lp.wav -resample xbox 10000 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\dr2_probe_beeps_01.wav droid_probe_beeps_01 -resample ps2 6000
..\..\global\effects\dr2_probe_beeps_02.wav droid_probe_beeps_02 -alias ps2 droid_probe_beeps_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_probe_beeps_03.wav droid_probe_beeps_03 -alias ps2 droid_probe_beeps_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_probe_beeps_04.wav droid_probe_beeps_04 -alias ps2 droid_probe_beeps_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_probe_beeps_05.wav droid_probe_beeps_05 -alias ps2 droid_probe_beeps_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_probe_eng_lp.wav droid_probe_eng_lp -resample ps2 5000
#endifplatform ps2
// All Shotguns
..\..\global\effects\RCShotgun.wav com_weap_shotgun_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Sniper Rifles
..\..\global\effects\wep_All_sniper_01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Sticky
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_snowSpder_towCable_att.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_snowSpder_towCable_att.wav wpn_snowSpder_towCable_att -resample ps2 11000
#endifplatform ps2
// All Thermal Detontators
// * Uses All Throw and Thermal Detontator Explosion
// Grenade Bounce
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_dirt_01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_dirt_03.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_dirt_04.wav -alias ps2 imp_grenade_dirt_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_stone_01.wav -alias ps2 imp_grenade_dirt_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_stone_03.wav -alias ps2 imp_grenade_dirt_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_stone_04.wav -alias ps2 imp_grenade_dirt_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_grenade_wood_03b.wav -alias ps2 imp_grenade_dirt_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// All Throw * Used by numerous ordnance
..\..\global\effects\wpn_throw01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_throw02.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_throw03.wav -alias ps2 wpn_throw01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_throw04.wav -alias ps2 wpn_throw02 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_throw05.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Timebombs
// * Uses All Sticky for attach
..\..\global\effects\wpn_timebomb_set.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Common Equips and Reloads
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_rebel_lgEquip.wav com_equip_large -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_rebel_smlEquip.wav com_equip_small -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_empire_medEquip.wav com_equip_medium -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_empire_medReload.wav com_reload_medium -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_empire_lgReload.wav com_reload_large -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_rebel_lgEquip.wav com_equip_large -resample ps2 16000
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_rebel_smlEquip.wav com_equip_small -resample ps2 16000
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_empire_medEquip.wav com_equip_medium -resample ps2 16000
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_empire_medReload.wav com_reload_medium -resample ps2 16000
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_empire_lgReload.wav com_reload_large -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

// Global Zoom
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\wpn_sniperRifle_zoomIn01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_sniperRifle_zoomIn02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_sniperRifle_zoomOut.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc

// Common CW Weapons Start //
// CW Common Rocket Launcher Used by CIS and Rep
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_cis_rcktlauncher_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
// Common CW Weapons End //

// Common CIS Weapons Start //
// Rifle, Pistol, Rocket Launcher
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_cis_blaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_cis_pistol_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
// ----- CW Unit Lockon -----
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_all_vehicle_lockon_lp.wav com_tracking_loop -resample ps2 11025 xbox 20000 pc 22050

// Common CIS Weapons End //

// CIS Units Start //
// Unit VO Effects
..\..\cw\effects\CICOM401.wav -resample ps2 5000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\CICOM408.wav -resample ps2 6000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\CICOM409.wav -resample ps2 14000 xbox 16000 pc 22050

// BDroid Death Explosions ----
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droid_hit_01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droid_hit_02.wav -alias ps2 drd_droid_hit_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droid_hit_03.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droid_hit_04.wav -alias ps2 drd_droid_hit_03 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droid_hit_05.wav -alias ps2 drd_droid_hit_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droid_hit_06.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// CIS Rifleman/Super Battle Droid //
// Wrist_blaster, Wrist_rocket, wrist_trishot
// * Uses CIS Common Blaster
// * Uses CW Common Rocket Launcher
// All Tri-bursts
..\..\global\effects\rcnewtriburst.wav com_weap_triburst_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_wristRocket_reload.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\cw\effects\wp2_wristRocket_reload.wav wpn_wristRocket_reload -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

// CIS Rocketeer //
// mine_dispenser, pistol, rocket_launcher, thermaldetonator
// * Uses Common All Mine Dispensers
// * Uses Common CIS Pistol
// * Uses Common CW Rocket Fire
// * Uses Common All Thermal Detonators

// CIS Sniper //
// pistol remotedroid sniper_rifle thermaldetonator
// * Uses Common CIS Pistol
// * Uses Common All Remote Droids
// * Uses Common All Sniper Rifles
// * Uses Common All Thermal Detonators

// CIS Officer/Magna Guard //
// Buff Damage, Bulldog, Mortar Launcher, PowerUp Dispenser
// -- Buff Damage Offense Chewie CIS Officer
// -- Buff Damage Powerup Han CIS Rep Officer
// -- Bulldog CIS Officer
..\..\global\effects\gren_dioxis_explo_01.wav bulldog_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// Buff Poison
..\..\global\effects\sfx_pod_coolant_spray_on.wav buff_poison_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ui_shock_heartbeat_lp.wav buff_poison_effect -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// -- Mortar Launcher - fires green gas grenades, also used by Imp Officer mortar launcher
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_rep_grenadelaunch_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_bouncingBetty.wav com_weap_inf_gas_exp -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\cw\effects\wp2_rep_grenadelaunch_fire.wav wpn_rep_grenadelaunch_fire -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_bouncingBetty.wav com_weap_inf_gas_exp -resample ps2 14000
#endifplatform ps2
// -- Powerup Dispenser
// * Uses Common All Throw

// CIS Droideka
// Repeater, Shield, Roll, Jump, Fold, Unfold
// Footsteps
..\..\cw\effects\fs_droideka_01.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\fs_droideka_02.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\fs_droideka_03.wav -alias ps2 fs_droideka_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\fs_droideka_04.wav -alias ps2 fs_droideka_01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_snowSpder_towCable_rls.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_droideka_blaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 20000 pc 44100
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droideka_fold.wav -resample xbox 20000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droideka_unfold.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droideka_roll_lp.wav -resample xbox 20000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\drd_droideka_shield_on.wav -resample xbox 20000 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\cw\effects\wp2_droideka_blaster_fire.wav wpn_droideka_blaster_fire -resample ps2 18000
..\..\cw\effects\dr2_droideka_fold.wav drd_droideka_fold -resample ps2 18000
..\..\cw\effects\dr2_droideka_unfold.wav drd_droideka_unfold -resample ps2 20000
..\..\cw\effects\dr2_droideka_roll_lp.wav drd_droideka_roll_lp -resample ps2 17000
..\..\cw\effects\dr2_droideka_shield_on.wav drd_droideka_shield_on -resample ps2 17000
#endifplatform ps2

// End CIS Units //

// Start Republic Units //
// Unit VO Effects
..\..\cw\effects\RICOM401.wav -resample ps2 6000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\RICOM402.wav -resample ps2 7000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\RICOM403.wav -resample ps2 5000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\RICOM404.wav -resample ps2 5000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\RICOM405.wav -resample ps2 7000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\RICOM406.wav -resample ps2 6000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\malechoke.wav -alias ps2 RICOM401 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Rep Rifleman //
// rep_weap_inf_pistol rep_weap_inf_rifle rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator
// * Thermal Detonator uses All Thermal Detonators
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_rep_blaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\cw\effects\wpn_rep_pistol_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\cw\effects\wp2_rep_blaster_fire.wav wpn_rep_blaster_fire -resample ps2 16000
..\..\cw\effects\wp2_rep_pistol_fire.wav wpn_rep_pistol_fire -resample ps2 20000
#endifplatform ps2

// Rep Rocketeer //
//rep_weap_inf_mine_dispenser rep_weap_inf_pistol rep_weap_inf_rocket_launcher rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator
// * Uses All Mine Dispensers
// * Uses Rifleman pistol
// * Uses CW Rocket Launchers
// * Uses All Thermal Detonators

// Rep Sniper //
// rep_weap_inf_pistol rep_weap_inf_remotedroid rep_weap_inf_sniper_rifle rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator

// Rep Pilot rep_weap_inf_commando_pistol rep_weap_inf_fusioncutter rep_weap_inf_timebomb

// Rep Engineer rep_weap_inf_autoturret_dispenser rep_weap_inf_detpack rep_weap_inf_fusioncutter rep_weap_inf_shotgun
// * Uses common/All for each weapon
// Rep Jettrooper rep_weap_inf_commando_pistol rep_weap_inf_emp_launcher rep_weap_inf_thermaldetonator
// * Uses All Commando Pistols

// Rep Officer: Buff Defense, Chaingun, Pistol, Powerup Dispenser
// Chaingun Rep Officer
..\..\global\effects\chain_wind_lp.WAV wpn_chaingun_spin -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\cw\effects\ChainGun01.wav wpn_chaingun_fire01 -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
// All Buff Fire
..\..\global\effects\sfx_pod_binder_activate_a.wav com_buff_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Buff Rally ALL REP
..\..\global\effects\sfx_start_beep.wav buff_rally_effect -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050

// Buff Rage ALL IMP CIS
..\..\global\effects\ui_mountedWeap_overheat_lp.wav buff_rage_fire -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ui_boost.wav buff_rage_effect -alias ps2 buff_rage_fire -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// End Officers ----

// Common Weapons Fire -----

// All Turrets * Excludes Autoturret //
// Damage
// * Sparks uses fusioncutter
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\emt_torch_lp.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\em2_torch_lp.wav emt_torch_lp -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2
// Small Turret ----------
..\..\global\effects\wpn_vehicle_weaponEquip.wav -resample ps2 14000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_cmbtspdr_blaster_fire.wav com_weap_turret_fire_small -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_intrcptTnk_trtYaw_lp.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\wpn_intrcptTnk_trtPtch_lp.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\gcw\effects\wp2_cmbtspdr_blaster_fire.wav com_weap_turret_fire_small -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\wp2_intrcptTnk_trtYaw_lp.wav wpn_intrcptTnk_trtYaw_lp -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\wp2_intrcptTnk_trtPtch_lp.wav wpn_intrcptTnk_trtPtch_lp -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2
// ----

// Ordnance Hums ---
// ----- High hum hums for unit blasters --
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\ammo_blaster_lp01.wav -resample xbox 20000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ammo_blaster_lp04.wav -resample xbox 20000 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\amm2_blaster_lp01.wav ammo_blaster_lp01 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\amm2_blaster_lp04.wav ammo_blaster_lp04 -alias ps2 ammo_blaster_lp01
#endifplatform ps2

// ----- Low hums for turret blasters -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\ammo_blaster_lp02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ammo_blaster_lp03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\amm2_blaster_lp02.wav ammo_blaster_lp02 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\amm2_blaster_lp03.wav ammo_blaster_lp03 -alias ps2 ammo_blaster_lp02
#endifplatform ps2

// ----- Rocket hum-thrust -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\ammo_rocket_lp02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ammo_rocket_lp03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ammo_rocket_lp05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\ammo_rocket_lp06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\amm2_rocket_lp02.wav ammo_rocket_lp02 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\amm2_rocket_lp03.wav ammo_rocket_lp03 -alias ps2 ammo_rocket_lp02
..\..\global\effects\amm2_rocket_lp05.wav ammo_rocket_lp05 -alias ps2 ammo_rocket_lp02
..\..\global\effects\amm2_rocket_lp06.wav ammo_rocket_lp06 -alias ps2 ammo_rocket_lp02
#endifplatform ps2
// ---

// Laser Impact --
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_dirt_07.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_dirt_09.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_stone_03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_stone_04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_stone_05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_07.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_08.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_09.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_16.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_18.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_laser_metal_21.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_ricco_02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_ricco_03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_ricco_04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_ricco_06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_ricco_08.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\imp_ricco_12.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_dirt_07.wav imp_laser_dirt_07 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_dirt_09.wav imp_laser_dirt_09 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_stone_03.wav imp_laser_stone_03 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_stone_04.wav imp_laser_stone_04 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_07
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_stone_05.wav imp_laser_stone_05 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_02.wav imp_laser_metal_02 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_09
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_03.wav imp_laser_metal_03 -alias ps2 imp_laser_stone_03
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_05.wav imp_laser_metal_05 -alias ps2 imp_laser_stone_05
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_06.wav imp_laser_metal_06 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_07
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_07.wav imp_laser_metal_07 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_09
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_08.wav imp_laser_metal_08 -alias ps2 imp_laser_stone_03
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_09.wav imp_laser_metal_09 -alias ps2 imp_laser_stone_05
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_16.wav imp_laser_metal_16 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_07
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_18.wav imp_laser_metal_18 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_09
..\..\global\effects\im2_laser_metal_21.wav imp_laser_metal_21 -alias ps2 imp_laser_stone_03
..\..\global\effects\im2_ricco_02.wav imp_ricco_02 -alias ps2 imp_laser_stone_05
..\..\global\effects\im2_ricco_03.wav imp_ricco_03 -alias ps2 imp_laser_dirt_07
..\..\global\effects\im2_ricco_04.wav imp_ricco_04 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\im2_ricco_06.wav imp_ricco_06 -alias ps2 imp_ricco_04
..\..\global\effects\im2_ricco_08.wav imp_ricco_08 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\im2_ricco_12.wav imp_ricco_12 -alias ps2 imp_ricco_08
#endifplatform ps2
// ------

// Thermal Detonator Explosion ---
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_thermalDetonator01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_thermalDetonator02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_thermalDetonator01.wav exp_ord_thermalDetonator01 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_thermalDetonator02.wav exp_ord_thermalDetonator02 -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

// Rocket Explosion -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_large01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_large02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_large03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_med01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_med02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_ord_rocket_med03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_rocket_large01.wav exp_ord_rocket_large01 -resample ps2 12000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_rocket_large02.wav exp_ord_rocket_large02 -alias ps2 exp_ord_rocket_large01
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_rocket_large03.wav exp_ord_rocket_large03 -alias ps2 exp_ord_rocket_large01
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_rocket_med01.wav exp_ord_rocket_med01 -resample ps2 12000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_rocket_med02.wav exp_ord_rocket_med02 -resample ps2 12000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_ord_rocket_med03.wav exp_ord_rocket_med03 -alias ps2 exp_ord_rocket_large01
#endifplatform ps2

// Object Explosions -----

// ----- Large -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_large04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_large02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_large05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_large01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_distant_large02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_distant_large01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_large01.wav -resample xbox 320 pc 320
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_large02.wav -resample xbox 320 pc 320
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_large04.wav exp_obj_large04 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_large02.wav exp_obj_large02 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_large05.wav exp_obj_large05 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large04
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_large01.wav exp_obj_large01 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large02
..\..\global\effects\ex2_distant_large02.wav exp_distant_large02 -resample ps2 10000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_distant_large01.wav exp_distant_large01 -alias ps2 exp_distant_large02
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_large01.wav -resample ps2 320
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_large02.wav -resample ps2 320
#endifplatform ps2

// --- Huge ---
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_huge01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_huge02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_huge03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_huge04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_huge05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_huge01.wav exp_obj_huge01 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large04
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_huge02.wav exp_obj_huge02 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large04
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_huge03.wav exp_obj_huge03 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large02
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_huge04.wav exp_obj_huge04 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large02
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_huge05.wav exp_obj_huge05 -alias ps2 exp_obj_large02
#endifplatform ps2
// ----- Medium ----- Orbital Strike Combatspeeder Fightertank
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_med05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_med04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_med03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_med02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_med01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_distant_medium01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_distant_medium02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_medium01.wav -resample xbox 320 pc 320
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_medium02.wav -resample xbox 320 pc 320
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_med05.wav exp_obj_med05 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_med04.wav exp_obj_med04 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_med03.wav exp_obj_med03 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_med02.wav exp_obj_med02 -alias ps2 exp_obj_med04
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_med01.wav exp_obj_med01 -alias ps2 exp_obj_med05
..\..\global\effects\ex2_distant_medium01.wav exp_distant_medium01 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_distant_medium02.wav exp_distant_medium02 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_medium01.wav -resample ps2 320
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_medium02.wav -resample ps2 320
#endifplatform ps2
// ----- Small ------ STAP Speederbike GunTurrets Droideka Large Blaster Ordnance
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_small01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_small02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_small03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_small04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_obj_small05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\global\effects\exp_distant_small02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_distant_small01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_small01.wav -resample xbox 320 pc 320
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_small02.wav -resample xbox 320 pc 320
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_small01.wav exp_obj_small01 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_small02.wav exp_obj_small02 -resample ps2 20000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_small03.wav exp_obj_small03 -alias ps2 exp_obj_small01
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_small04.wav exp_obj_small04 -alias ps2 exp_obj_small01
..\..\global\effects\ex2_obj_small05.wav exp_obj_small05 -alias ps2 exp_obj_small01
..\..\global\effects\ex2_distant_small02.wav exp_distant_small02 -resample ps2 11025
..\..\global\effects\ex2_distant_small01.wav exp_distant_small01 -alias ps2 exp_distant_small02
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_small01.wav -resample ps2 320
..\..\global\effects\exp_verydistant_small02.wav -resample ps2 320
#endifplatform ps2

// ----

// Sub Explosions ----
// ----- Pop -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub01.wav exp_sub01 -resample ps2 10000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub02.wav exp_sub02 -resample ps2 10000
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub03.wav exp_sub03 -alias ps2 exp_sub01
#endifplatform ps2

// ----- Hiss -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub04.wav exp_sub04 -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

// ----- Pop and Hiss -----
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub07.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\exp_sub08.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub07.wav exp_sub07 -alias ps2 exp_sub01
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub08.wav exp_sub08 -alias ps2 exp_sub02
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub05.wav exp_sub05 -alias ps2 exp_sub04
..\..\global\effects\ex2_sub06.wav exp_sub06 -alias ps2 exp_sub04
#endifplatform ps2
// ----

// Command Posts ----
..\..\global\effects\com_blg_commandpost_capture.wav -resample ps2 14000
..\..\global\effects\com_blg_commandpost_charge.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\com_blg_commandpost_discharge.wav -resample ps2 16000 xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\com_blg_commandpost_lost.wav -resample ps2 14000
// -------------

// Ammo Droid Gonk -------------
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\droid_gonk_01.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_gonk_02.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_gonk_03.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_gonk_04.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\dr2_gonk_01.wav droid_gonk_01 -resample ps2 11025
..\..\global\effects\dr2_gonk_02.wav droid_gonk_02 -alias ps2 droid_gonk_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_gonk_03.wav droid_gonk_03 -alias ps2 droid_gonk_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_gonk_04.wav droid_gonk_04 -alias ps2 droid_gonk_01
#endifplatform ps2
// ----------------

// Medical Droid FX7 ---------------
..\..\global\effects\crt_medicalDroid04.wav -resample ps2 14000 xbox 16000 pc 22050
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_chatter_04.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_chatter_01.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_chatter_02.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_chatter_03.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_recharge_01.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 16000
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_recharge_02.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 16000
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_recharge_03.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 16000
..\..\global\effects\droid_fx7_recharge_04.wav -resample xbox 16000 pc 16000
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_chatter_04.wav droid_fx7_chatter_04 -resample ps2 8000
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_chatter_01.wav droid_fx7_chatter_01 -alias ps2 droid_fx7_chatter_04
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_chatter_02.wav droid_fx7_chatter_02 -alias ps2 droid_fx7_chatter_04
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_chatter_03.wav droid_fx7_chatter_03 -alias ps2 droid_fx7_chatter_04
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_recharge_01.wav droid_fx7_recharge_01 -resample ps2 11025
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_recharge_02.wav droid_fx7_recharge_02 -alias ps2 droid_fx7_recharge_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_recharge_03.wav droid_fx7_recharge_03 -alias ps2 droid_fx7_recharge_01
..\..\global\effects\dr2_fx7_recharge_04.wav droid_fx7_recharge_04 -alias ps2 droid_fx7_recharge_01
#endifplatform ps2
// ---------------

// Weapon Foley -------------
// Common Weapon Foley
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\mvt_jump_rifle.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_land_rifle.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_squat_rifle.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_roll_rifle.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_jump_pistol.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_land_pistol.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_squat_pistol.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_roll_pistol.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_jump_bazooka.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_land_bazooka.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_squat_bazooka.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_roll_bazooka.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_bazooka_lgBF_01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_bazooka_lgBF_02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_bazooka_lgBF_03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_bazooka_smBF.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc

// Trooper Foley Effects -----------
// Terrain Independent Foley
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_squat.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_squat.wav mvt_trooper_squat -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

//-- Dirt - Walkways etc.
#ifplatform xbox pc
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_getup_Stone.wav Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_jump_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_land_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_02.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_03.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Dirt_smBF.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_lie_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_roll_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_stop_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
//..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_getup_Stone.wav Dirt.wav mvt_trooper_getup_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_jump_Dirt.wav mvt_trooper_jump_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_land_Dirt.wav mvt_trooper_land_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01.wav mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_02.wav mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_03.wav mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Dirt_smBF.wav mvt_trooper_Dirt_smBF -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
//..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_lie_Dirt.wav mvt_trooper_lie_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_roll_Dirt.wav mvt_trooper_roll_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_L01.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_L02.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_L03.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_L04.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_R01.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_R02.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02 -resample ps2 16000
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_R03.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Dirt_R04.wav mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_L01.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_L02.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_L03.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_L04.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_L04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_R01.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_R02.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_R03.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Dirt_R04.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Dirt_R04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_stop_Dirt.wav mvt_trooper_stop_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2

//-- Stone - Walkways etc.
#ifplatform xbox pc
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_getup_Stone.wav Stone.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_jump_Stone.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_land_Stone.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_02.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_03.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Stone_smBF.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_lie_Stone.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_roll_Stone.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_stop_Stone.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
//..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_getup_Stone.wav Stone.wav mvt_trooper_getup_Stone -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_getup_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_jump_Stone.wav mvt_trooper_jump_Stone -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_jump_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_land_Stone.wav mvt_trooper_land_Stone -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_land_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Stone_lgBF_01.wav mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Stone_lgBF_02.wav mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Stone_lgBF_03.wav mvt_trooper_Stone_lgBF_03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_Stone_smBF.wav mvt_trooper_Stone_smBF -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
//..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_lie_Stone.wav mvt_trooper_lie_Stone -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_lie_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_roll_Stone.wav mvt_trooper_roll_Stone -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_roll_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_L01.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_L02.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_L03.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_L04.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_L04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_R01.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_R02.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_R03.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_run_Stone_R04.wav mvt_trooper_run_Stone_R04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_L01.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_L02.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_L03.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_L04.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_L04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_R01.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R01 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_R02.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R02 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_R03.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R03 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_walk_Stone_R04.wav mvt_trooper_walk_Stone_R04 -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_stop_Stone.wav mvt_trooper_stop_Stone -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_stop_Dirt
#endifplatform ps2

//-- Metal - Walkways etc.
#ifplatform xbox pc
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_getup_Stone.wav Metal.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_jump_Metal.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_land_Metal.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Metal_lgBF_01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Metal_lgBF_02.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Metal_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Metal_lgBF_03.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Metal_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_Metal_smBF.wav -alias xbox mvt_trooper_Metal_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
//..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_lie_Metal.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_roll_Metal.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_run_Metal_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_walk_Metal_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\mvt_trooper_stop_Metal.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
//..\..\global\effects\mv2_trooper_getup_Stone.wav Metal.wav mvt_Trooper_getup_Metal -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_getup_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_jump_Metal.wav mvt_Trooper_jump_Metal -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_jump_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_land_Metal.wav mvt_Trooper_land_Metal -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_land_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_Metal_lgBF_01.wav mvt_Trooper_Metal_lgBF_01 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_Metal_lgBF_02.wav mvt_Trooper_Metal_lgBF_02 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_Metal_lgBF_03.wav mvt_Trooper_Metal_lgBF_03 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_Metal_smBF.wav mvt_Trooper_Metal_smBF -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_Dirt_lgBF_01
//..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_lie_Metal.wav mvt_Trooper_lie_Metal -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_lie_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_roll_Metal.wav mvt_Trooper_roll_Metal -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_roll_Dirt
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_L01.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_L01 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_L02.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_L02 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_L03.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_L03 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_L04.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_L04 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_R01.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_R01 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_R02.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_R02 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_R03.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_R03 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_run_Metal_R04.wav mvt_Trooper_run_Metal_R04 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_run_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_L01.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_L01 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_L02.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_L02 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_L03.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_L03 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_L01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_L04.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_L04 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_L02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_R01.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_R01 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_R02.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_R02 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_R03.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_R03 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_R01
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_walk_Metal_R04.wav mvt_Trooper_walk_Metal_R04 -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_walk_Dirt_R02
..\..\global\effects\mv2_Trooper_stop_Metal.wav mvt_Trooper_stop_Metal -alias ps2 mvt_Trooper_stop_Dirt
#endifplatform ps2

// Soldier Foley Effects --------------
// Terrain Independent Foley
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_squat.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\gcw\effects\mv2_Soldier_squat.wav mvt_Soldier_squat -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_squat
#endifplatform ps2

//-- Dirt - Walkways etc.
#ifplatform xbox pc
//..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_getup_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_jump_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_land_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_Dirt_lgBF_01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_Dirt_lgBF_02.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_Dirt_smBF.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample pc 22050
//..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_lie_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_roll_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_L01.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_L02.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L02 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_L03.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L03 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_L04.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_L04 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_R01.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R01 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_R02.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R02 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_R03.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R03 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_walk_Dirt_R04.wav -alias xbox mvt_Soldier_run_Dirt_R04 -resample pc 22050
..\..\gcw\effects\mvt_Soldier_stop_Dirt.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
//..\..\gcw\effects\mv2_Soldier_getup_Dirt.wav mvt_Soldier_getup_Dirt -alias ps2 mvt_trooper_getup_Dirt
..\..\gcw\effects\mv2_Soldier_jump_Dirt.wav mvt_Soldier_jump_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\gcw\effects\mv2_Soldier_land_Dirt.wav mvt_Soldier_land_Dirt -resample ps2 16000
..\..\gcw\effects\mv2_Soldier_Dirt_lgBF_01.wav mvt_Soldier_Dirt_lgBF_01 -resample p

Post by Delinquent »


First off, I have seen pictures of your map, you are currently working on on the site.
Looks very promising.. and it´s a pity that you cant release it since you seem to have problems with the addition of sounds.

I would really like to help you but I think, Rends´ tutorial is the best help you can get, so I suggest you really follow it Step by Step.

Your .sfx files look like you have simply copied over All sfx from some map (which you dont need btw) except for any vehicle sounds.

I suggest, first thing you should do is you delete your data_ABC/Sound/worlds/ABC directory and completely start over again, following Rends tutorial Step by Step.

Also, if you want to add a sound for a certain vehicle, think of a world where this vehicle appears in, look in the .sfx file of this world for a block for this vehicle...

Like in Rends´s example the AT ST block which looks like this

// AT Walker Common -ATAT ATST ATTE -------------------------

..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker01.wav atst_leg_up01 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker02.wav atst_leg_up02 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker03.wav atst_leg_up03 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker04.wav atst_leg_up04 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker05.wav atst_leg_up05 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\hyd_walker06.wav atst_leg_up06 -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050


// AT Walker Footsteps XBOX and PC ATTE ATAT ATST----------------------------------

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerA06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerB06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC04.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC05.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_layerC06.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low01.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low02.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050
..\..\global\effects\fs_walker_low03.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 22050

// ----- ATST Weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_atat_chinBlaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
..\..\gcw\effects\wpn_atst_headBlaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100

Usually you will find the sounds for a certain vehicle in a block like this...
Thankfully they all have got a headline which actually makes it easy to find...

Well, if you do not come along at all with the .sfx files, tell me what vehicle sounds you need, and I´ll send you a txt file which you simply would have to rename to ABCgcw.sfx or ABCcw.sfx...
PM me if you´d like to have it that way.

Post by mnl1121 »

the problem is that he compied the WHOLE .sfx file from some other world. If you do that it WON'T work. No matter what u do it will NOT work if u copy the whole thing. ONLY copy what u need.

EDIT: oh and does anyone know the stings for the dish turret and the laser turret (the ones from Hoth). Iv been trying to get those sounds to work but still no luck. Anyone (again for the 3 time) have any ideas?

plz i really need help here.
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Post by Teancum »

This is probably it, but I'm not 100% sure:

// Big Turret Fire
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\wpn_IFT_blaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\wp2_IFT_blaster_fire.wav wpn_IFT_blaster_fire -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2
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Post by Teancum »

Now I'm not one for requests, but if someone could make a sound lvl that only loaded space flyers for cw/gcw, that would save me a couple of hours. It doesn't matter what the name of the file is.

Post by mnl1121 »

Teancum wrote:This is probably it, but I'm not 100% sure:

// Big Turret Fire
#ifplatform xbox pc
..\..\global\effects\wpn_IFT_blaster_fire.wav -resample xbox 22050 pc 44100
#endifplatform xbox pc
#ifplatform ps2
..\..\global\effects\wp2_IFT_blaster_fire.wav wpn_IFT_blaster_fire -resample ps2 16000
#endifplatform ps2
thx tean. ill try that.

EDIT: nope i just did it and no go. Any ideas.
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Post by PvtParts »

Rends this tutorial was much awaited and will go to help many mappers.

Its a lot clearer than the one made originally for BF1, and is basically a how to add sound 'for dummies'.

Thanks a lot.
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