The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version

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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by Jendo7 »

I found this old classic map Mos Venur 1.1 Final by Captain Mazda on one of my old external hard drives and as I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet I decided to upload here: moddb
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by RedHardcore »

Jendo7 wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:58 pm
I found this old classic map Mos Venur 1.1 Final by Captain Mazda on one of my old external hard drives and as I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet I decided to upload here: moddb
By any chance do you have anything on this list? I made this list 8 years ago, but hearing that you found that map, maybe you might have more maps that the may have been lost forever. Green means I already have it. Even if the map sucks, for historical and archival purposes is nice to keep things accessible.
RedHardcore wrote:
Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:52 pm
This is urgent. Please help me find me any of these following maps. I might have said some of these in the past, but I'm asking if anyone can reupload any of these maps. Some of them are version specified and some can be any version. I don't care about how good they are. I just want to bring them back to life. Even if one of these maps can be revived, I will be happy.

Anything in green is a map that I now have.

Name of map - 3 digit name - Creator

Abyssissa Alpha Version - AYA - Alpha
Ace`s Unnamed Map - ACE - AceAzzameen_5
Acezureize - Canyons - ??? - ???
Alderaan - City Square - ALD - Schizo
Anacario Desert Cliffs - ACD - Bonecrusher16O
Anor City (any version but 1.2 recommended) - ANO - Captain_Mazda
Antar Four Final - ATF - biohazard
Bantha55´s Tantive IV Special Edition - TIF - Bantha55
Battle of Geonosis; 125th Legion V.1.1 - BOG - Master Fionwë
Battle of the Bridge (any version but 1.0 recommended) - BRI - Spacerocker
Blue Moon - BLU - worksa7
Cerea (GT MapPack 4 Beta) - CER - MasterSaitek009
Clone Remnant - Tatooine Beta 1 - TST - Grev
Clone Wars - Reytha Final - REY - Darth Veritus
Clone Wars : Hoth Beta - CHW - Linus
Coruscant - Motodrom V.2.0 - MNM - G_M_StYlEr_M
Coruscant - Senate Chambers 1.0 'Alpha` - CSC - tankbuster/Gogie
Dagobah – Swampland - DGB - lucasfart
Death Star: Improved and Utapau: Battle - TT2 - spaceyavin
Destroyed Warland - DSW - ^Destroyer^ aka Gunjak
EP2 - Geonosis - Offensive Final - GXL - stager00
Felucia - 327th Strike - FF2 - Foolis
Felucia - Dark Forest - FE1 - darthtrogsasea
Geonosis – Arena - GEG - Joker
Geonosis - Engagement Beta - GEE - PvtParts
Geonosis – First Strike Beta V.0.75 - GOE - MasterSkywalker
Geonosis - Turmspitze (Spire) - GET - Nachtfalke
Geonosis - Valley of Seperatists v.95 - TAM - Lollilo
Gungan - Sanctuary Beta - GUS - philomen
Hill Firefight Beta - HFF - Hunted_One
Hoth - Frontal Assault Final Beta - HFA - Challenger33
Hoth - Tunnel War - HTW - Cmd-At-a
Hoth - Underground Assault - JT1 - Tiger_Boy27
Hypori - Jedi Rescue - ORI - Ruasoh
Ilum - Beta - ILU - = AOX=Durge
Irdonia - Docking Station (any version but 2.0 recommmended) - IRI - jedimoose32
Islands - ISL - Game_Jedi
Jabiim – Beta - AJB - Alpha
Jawa Clan Wars Beta 0.75 - SAB - Codarez
Junia - Frozen Planet of the Sith Beta - JFS - NullCommando
Kamino - Rae`s Defense - RAE - Grev
Kamino - Serene Beta and also Final - KS3 - Astute
Kashyyyk - Forest Battle V.1.0 - KFB - pepper11193
Kashyyyk – Hidden City V.1.0 - KHC - TAW_killersim
Kashyyyk - Shadowlands V.1.4 - KSL - amazingfish
Kashyyyk - Trandoshan Slave Raid - KSK - Crichton
Korriban - KBN - biohazard
Korriban - Labyrinth v.05 - KR2 - General_Grievous_4
Korriban – Secret Base V.1.0 Final - KOR - General_Grievous_4
Kothlis: Commando Raid Beta - KOT - acryptozoo
Malachor V - A Jedi Fate - MVC - Gogie
Maloss Beta - FAI - Skyhammer_216
Medival Wars V.1.1 - RPG - AlphaAcer
Mercenaries Revenge V.1.1 - MRC - Jedimoose32
Mos Eisley - Apocalypse Beta 1.7 - MME - phazon_elite
Mos Eisley: Urban Assault (GT MapPack4 ) - XMI - Darth_Maul/Xavious
Mos Espi - TA9 - darthpingu
Mount Corona - Marschlands V.1.2 - MTC - phazon_elite
Mustafar - Duel V.1.0 - DUL - stager00
Mustafar - Valley V.2.0 Final - TST - Hebes24
Mygeeto – Factory - GOB - Goblin014
Mygeeto – Platforms - MY2 - darth-jedi
Mygeeto - The Bridges Beta - M1B - CommanderBacara/CC-1138
Mytus VII – Town v.5 - CTY - PaNzErgsp
Naboo - Gungan Hideout V.1.2 - NGH - 1z2x3c
Naboo – Liberation Beta 1 - NAL - Thrawnhex
Naboo - Plains - NAS - NullCommando
Naboo - Villa - NAV - Elmo
Northern Dune Sea Beta - VOO - Vamire Lord
Nuke Town v1.9 - NKT - sithlord501
Onderon – Tactical Ploy - OTP - Tuskenjedi
Order 66 – Coruscant - CR2 - darth-jedi
Palancar - Suppression Beta v.0.5 - PAL - sawyerdk9
Red Mountains - TRM - Worksa7
Republic Dooms Day (any version but final beta recommended) - RD5/RDD - Ipodzanyman
Republic Dooms Day - Frozen Flesh Final - SDD - Wazmol_69
Rhen Var - Fortress Beta - RVK - RepSharpshooter
Rhen Var - Ice Desert V.1.3 - RHD - jvsw
Saleucami – Battle for Saleucami V.1.0 - SAL - Captain_Mazda
Sarin Cem - Constraint V.1.1 (V.2) - GSP - Rikino
Sernpidal - Last Stand V.1.1 (not 1.0) - SLS - Wreith5
Shutdown - SD1 - Fingerfood
Sith Academy Map - SAM - BoneCrusher160
Snowy Valley Battle v.91 - SVB - DakkerDB
Tatooine - Building War - THS - Blueline
Tatooine - City V.1.0 - TCY - Darth_Maul/Xavious
Tatooine - Desert Battle V.1.0 - FST - Foolis
Tatooine - Docking Bay Beta V.1.0 - TDB - Slayer_Hunter_J
Tatooine - Mos Valley Beta - FGG - Darth_Severus
Tatooine - Small Desert Hanger - DOP - Spacerocker
The Battle of Ohma D'un Beta - OD1 - Darth-Derkie
The Flat Arena - TMT - arc9
Tordarian - Beta V.1 - TOR - Tohron
Untaris - UTR - totallytoenails
Utapau - Attack V.1.7 (not V.1.0 beta) - CBM - Squirrel7Hunter
Vader Clones - VAD - Emraz
Virmund - City 1.1 with CTF (not 1.0 and not dark space) - VDF - YaNKFaN
Yaz Aazie - Mine V1.0 - YAZ - darth-jedi
Yktecsh - Ruins Alpha Version - YKT - Epena

Acezureize - Canyons (any version) - ACE - Ace_Azzameen_5
Coruscant – Knightfall (Shipped Campaign to SP Mode) - COC - darth-jedi
Felucia - Heart of Darkness (Shipped Campaign to SP Mode) - FEC - darth-jedi

Cryo Orbit Beta V.1.1 - CAO - NullCommando
Dragons Lair Nebulum - ACP - Ace_Azzameen_5
GCW: End of the Separatist Movement Part 1 Beta - ES2 - Master Skywalker
Naboo: Mountain Side (Dogfighting Map) (GT MapPack4 Beta) - NMS - Astute
Order 66 – Mission # 1 : Attack of the Star Destroyers Final V.1.01 (not 0.90 beta) - LOL - Master Skywalker
Space Boarding Action (not the beta version) - ISD - Mercury Noodles
Space Core V.088 - SPC - darth-jedi
Space Wars Beta - SW1 - Down_U_Go

Kashyyyk - Shadowlands Final V.1.0 - KSK - clonedude
Podracing V.1.0 - PXR - Squirrel7Hunter
Tatooine - Race (Beta) - TRC - RepSharpshooter

.:|CWC|:. Private Andersen's Mos Eisley (1.0) - PRI - iko94
Avatar - Sozin`s Comet Alpha - EXP - Metalcor_Rancor
General Tiins - Assault (any version but 1.0 recommended) - #123 - Yodaminch
Micridia - Giant Planet - TVG - Metalcore_Rancor
Mustafar - Assault V.1.0 - MUA - Guitarman
New Legions Training Beta - NLT - redgroupclan
Rifles & Snipes V.1.1 - RIF - Emraz
Rogue Division Temple V.2 - RDV - SBF_DANN_BOEING
SBF2 - Mix Map (Hero Assault) - SB2 - superdrezs
Target Level - TAR - kajong
The Flat Arena - TMT - Arc9
The TPR Maze - MAZ - TPR The Future
Winter Assault Map Beta.V.2 - WAT - Maximus
Wintos - Forest Battlefield - WIN - Master_Devwi
Zombie Mod V.1.1 Alpha Version - WCT - Metalcor_Rancor

Better Battlefront Map Pack
Better Battlefront - Mygeeto V.1.0 - BBM - RaideN
Better Battlefront - Rhen Var V.1.0 - BBR

Raiden`s First Map Pack
Kamistafar V.1.8 Final - FAR - RaideN
Mon Calamari - Big Shell - ALM
Xantis 2 - Arena - XS2

Remember, gamefront is about to shut down, and if any of you have or can get any of these maps in any way (from torrents, to power searching to PMing), please let me know or post a link here. There is a very small chance that I actually might have 1 or 2 of these maps but these are maps that do not have working links.

I managed to find another working link of the exact same map here: ... 1_final.7z

I also still have access to these if these are any useful: ... =764459100 (more recent) ... li=1#gid=0 (dead since 2015)
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by Jendo7 »

I found these three: Star Wars Battlefront II Custom Maps
If I find anymore I'll update this post.
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by RedHardcore »

Jendo7 wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:54 am
I found these three: Star Wars Battlefront II Custom Maps
If I find anymore I'll update this post.
Nice find! Yeah anything is welcome and much appreciated.
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by Jendo7 »

No problem... I've updated the link with Jawakiller's Final Kashyyyk map. It's not on your list but I think it's also not online.
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by MikeTheBeast55 »

RedHardcore wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:00 pm
Nice find! Yeah anything is welcome and much appreciated.
Hey it has been a long time. Quick question, have you been downloading and saving all the newer mods being released since 2018? If so would it be alright if I sent you the names of the newer mods/maps that are no longer available that I am looking for?
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by RedHardcore »

MikeTheBeast55 wrote:
Mon May 13, 2024 10:05 pm
RedHardcore wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:00 pm
Nice find! Yeah anything is welcome and much appreciated.
Hey it has been a long time. Quick question, have you been downloading and saving all the newer mods being released since 2018? If so would it be alright if I sent you the names of the newer mods/maps that are no longer available that I am looking for?
Hey! Good to hear from you.

I used to download from a few times a year until around mid-late 2021, then I completely forgot to and I've only caught up recently in March 2024. I mean, feel free to PM me a list but I cannot guarantee that I have it. Plus I noticed some modders update files without making a new post and it's impossible to grab the older versions sometimes.

I remembered grabbing everything I could from Gamefront + Jaspo's post. The one thing I haven't grabbed yet is your mod collection which I'll do at some point. Yeah I know, duplicates. What can I do lol. Maybe there might be some unique stuff haha.
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by MikeTheBeast55 »

RedHardcore wrote:
Sun May 26, 2024 7:05 pm
Hey! Good to hear from you.

I used to download from a few times a year until around mid-late 2021, then I completely forgot to and I've only caught up recently in March 2024. I mean, feel free to PM me a list but I cannot guarantee that I have it. Plus I noticed some modders update files without making a new post and it's impossible to grab the older versions sometimes.

I remembered grabbing everything I could from Gamefront + Jaspo's post. The one thing I haven't grabbed yet is your mod collection which I'll do at some point. Yeah I know, duplicates. What can I do lol. Maybe there might be some unique stuff haha.
Just sent you over the list of mods/maps I am looking for. When you look it over and find out what you do/do not have just let me know and tell me where you will upload them so I can add them to my ModDB re-archiving project which is still ongoing.
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Re: The "Help me find a SWBF2 Map/Mod" topic

Post by BF2-Master »

RedHardcore wrote:
Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:52 pm
This is urgent. Please help me find me any of these following maps. I might have said some of these in the past, but I'm asking if anyone can reupload any of these maps. Some of them are version specified and some can be any version. I don't care about how good they are. I just want to bring them back to life. Even if one of these maps can be revived, I will be happy.
I definitely have, and actively have used:
Alderaan - City Square - ALD - Schizo
EP2 - Geonosis - Offensive Final - GXL - stager00
Kamino - Serene Beta and also Final - KS3 - Astute
Order 66 – Coruscant - CR2 - darth-jedi
Mustafar - Duel V.1.0 - DUL - stager00

I have a very similar or prior version of the following map, but using a slightly different codename (XMC):
Mos Eisley: Urban Assault (GT MapPack4 ) - XMI - Darth_Maul/Xavious

I have memory of previously having but cannot locate:
Coruscant - Senate Chambers 1.0 'Alpha` - CSC - tankbuster/Gogie

This is all based on my normal addon folder. I also have several RAR files from Jaspo and will look through them to see if the other maps are present, assuming nobody has done that already?

I have some other really old maps I'm not sure are in active circulation? My primary modding interest was the late 00s so a lot of maps are from back then as opposed to later stuff. I'm willing to do a list of m addon folder if it might be helpful. Also a ton of older assets but I've been meaning to do that list for a while and keep sleeping on it.
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