Holy heck, almost 2 and a half years since this thread was last posted in, and it's a very different game now! I have a reason for this bump though: Star Wars Battlefront II has its final content update tomorrow.
The update brings the OT to Supremacy, with five maps - Scarif, Yavin IV, Hoth, Tatooine and Death Star II. The big change here is that these are 'ground phase only' maps, but because of that, you can play these maps with starfighters.
Instant Action will get these maps, and a new Missions mode. Missions is offline co-op, so that means that all but Crait will be playable in Instant Action.
Skins-wise, we get Twin Suns Maul from Rebels, Hooded Episode 9 Ren, two new Rey skins (trigger warning: one is the finale skin Rey Skywalker, with yellow saber), and Sith Eternal Palpatine. Speaking of heroes, because Palpatine now has an ST outfit, he's playable in the Age of Resistance maps, as is Chewbacca. Yoda is playable in the GCW maps now also.
Over the game's life cycle we have had:
-The Last Jedi: Crait, Captain Phasma and Finn
-Resurrection Campaign mission
-Solo season: Kessel, Solo skins for Han and Lando
-New progression system
-Many new appearances
-The Clone Wars season: Geonosis, Capital Supremacy mode, new Clone Trooper customization overhauls, Instant Action, Co-Op, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Grievous, Dooku, Felucia, new reinforcements in the form of ARC Trooper, Droid Commando, Droideka and Clone Commando
-Age Of Resistance to coincide with TROS: Ajan Kloss, Jakku, Takodana for Co-Op, Supremacy and Instant Action, Starkiller Base for Co-Op, BB-8, BB-9E, new reinforcements in the form of the Ovissian Gunner, Caphex Spy, Sith Trooper and First Order Jet Trooper
-Age of Rebellion: Co-Op on all GCW maps, new reinforcements in the form of ISB Agent and Ewok, new weapons in the form of the E-11D, T-21, DL-18 and Cycler Rifle. Final update detailed above.
This game has seen a huge turn-around, and it actually seems much more worthy of a place in the Battlefront series.
Don't hold your hopes up for a Star Wars Battlefront III: most of the DICE Devs have now officially left the Star Wars Battlefront team to work on Battlefield 6, which is due for release next year. EA has said Battlefront III is not in their plans. There will likely be tweaks and fixes to be made in the near future, though new content is done.